10 tips for moving 

The time has come, it’s moving day. You did it, you found the house of your dreams, the apartment you’ve been searching the internet relentlessly for, space where you’re going to lay your head for the unseeable future. Congratulations! Now it’s time for the second-worst part of moving (aside from the physical moving of the boxes, bed frames, and kitchen tables) which is packing. It can be long, tedious, and downright obnoxious to do. You need boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and who knows what else. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. These tips will help you get organized without the stress of the “what do I do next” feeling that comes with packing.


1. a box a day

The easiest and best way to prepare for a move is to pack a box a day. This breaks down your move into a simple and easy process. 1 day = 1 box

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2. reusable containers

These containers aren’t just convenient because they’re reusable and great for storage, the fact that they are less likely to bend and break compared to a cardboard box brings a lot of benefit to using these.


3. downsize your stuff

Now could be the perfect time to get rid of the things you don’t need. You know the things I’m talking about, the free t-shirts you were given that you never wear or the old kitchen dishes you hate to just throw away. Donate them to a friend or better yet sell some stuff and put the profit towards your moving expenses.

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4. get supplies

There’s nothing worse than running out of tape at 10pm the night before your big move. Do yourself a favor and get your supplies ahead of time. And if I can suggest, 1 role of packaging tape has never been enough when it comes to moving.

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5. valuables

Here’s an easy tip for packing your valuables. Wrap your plates, glasses, and anything fragile with kitchen and bathroom towels. This serves to protect your fragile valuables while also packing away your linens and have to use fewer boxes and saving your moving supplies.

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6. put things in other things

This one helps you save on space which ultimately helps you minimize the number of boxes and moving supplies you’ll need. Rill up your socks and tuck them in the shoes you're packing, take kitchen utensils and put them in oven mitts, etc. Anything that doesn’t fold up or condense and has a hollow space can be filled with something that needs to be packed anyway.

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7. label everything

This tip is more for when you are finishing your move. You’ve finally unpacked the truck and gotten everything inside and by this point, all you want to do is eat, but first, you have to find the box with plates, forks, and knives. There’s no quicker way to go from hungry to hangry than when you can’t find the kitchen supplies.


8. pack the kitchen last

If you’re packing a box a day (or even if you’re not) it would be in your best interest to pack the kitchen last. Nothing can be more frustrating than perfecting packing away all the plates and cooking utensils than having to unpack the plates and cooking utensils.

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9. keep cleaning supplies handy

Since most people tend to keep their cleaning supplies in the kitchen this one usually goes with packing the kitchen last. Keep cleaning supplies handy not only so you can leave your old place in a nice clean condition but more importantly so you can move into your new place with that fresh new CLEAN home feel.

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10. pack an overnight bag

Pack your essentials like your computer, shower gel & shampoo, toothbrush, sweats, and anything else that will get you through the day. Save yourself the time from searching from box to box looking for the toothpaste.


bonus tip: get a dolly

Get a dolly! You’ll be thankful you did. This may end up being the best advice I can give you throughout this whole page. A moving dolly is like having a set of extra hands that never gets tired and likes to do all the heaving lifting for you.



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