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Finding a realtor

to sell your home



5 things to look for when choosing a realtor

You know they’re out there just waiting for your business so how do you go about choosing one that is in it for you and not just a commission check? There are many different factors that can go into choosing the right realtor best suited to sell your home so here are 5 tips to help you get it right.

  1. Reach out

This one is easy, after you reach out to an agent see how long it takes them to get back to you. If they are a motived agent in the beginning they are more likely to be a motivated agent in the end as well. Most agents will get back to you within an hour or two, but you should be realistic and understand that they could be out with clients, handling a family issue, or have the day off and just be away from their phone (yes, we get days off too) so hearing backing that day is completely reasonable. I’m sure there are reasons for why an agent might get back to you the next day, but when I’m keeping score the next day isn’t they day that would cut it for me.


2. Interview

Set up a day and time to discuss in person (preferably), by video call, or a good old phone call to talk with potential real estate experts. Take time to discuss what is important to you as well as what is important to them. You may be surprised to find out that both your goals line up and you would have never known if you didn’t openly discuss this. During this time you can see how you feel about them as a person. You are there to get someone who is good at their job but, there is nothing wrong with liking that person. After all, you are going to be leaning on them for support and guidance throughout this process.


3. What is their track record

This one has a little give to it, personally, I wouldn’t be afraid of a newer agent who is “learning the ropes” as long as you know they have a good team backing them. Being new isn’t bad, you could even argue that being new means they are going to focus ALL of their attention on getting your house sold. This is one of the reasons you hold in-person interviews so you can see the level of commitment that they will have. If they’re not new then I would still dig into how familiar they are with the process and what they consider standard for selling a house. If it’s clear to you that they are there just to put it on the market and let it do its own thing then I would probably go a little further to find someone who will do a little more, after all you are paying them for this.


4. How do they intend to do it

Isn’t there one way to sell a house? Nope, but I’m guessing you already knew that. Find out what they intend to do to get your house on the market fast and off the market even faster! What is their open house plan, how do they intend to market and advertise, and so on? Big tip: as if they themselves are going to be the ones selling your house? For example, when using a “big name realtor” or a discount brokerage can you sometimes expect the actual person doing the open houses and attending the showings to be a team member or employee of the company and not the actual agent you are talking with. Some people are fine with this but I think it’s best to know this before you sign a contract rather than after.


5. What are they suggesting?

No, this one isn’t about what price they are suggesting to sell your home for but more about what they suggest you the seller should be doing. Do they seem knowledgeable about keeping the house clean, removing clutter, getting rid of the dirty laundry laying out, and so on? Think about it, you want a realtor who knows how to sell a house and in this case, that means taking charge! They’re the expert here and that’s why you’re paying them the commission. Yes, it’s your home and you are entrusting them with it and you want some kind of proof that they have an idea of how to do that. So test them, what do they suggest you should do?


in conclusion

Get someone you like, there are a lot of realtors floating around but that doesn’t mean you have to use just any of them. Selling your house is a process and can sometimes be a stressful thing to go through so you want to make sure you get the person that works best for you and with you. Once you do that, then it’s time to get up and running! Get photos taken, descriptions written, open houses scheduled, and all the other important things that are important when selling a house.